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COVID-19 Protocols at JDC Dance Center for 2022/2023 Dance Season

Updated 9/11/22


As we begin a new dance season, we will continue to follow new guidelines related to Covid-19. These guidelines come from the CDC, the NYS Department of Health and Saratoga County Public Health Services.


Full Guidance and information from the CDC can be access on their website by clicking HERE.

You may also get most “Frequently Asked Questions” regarding COVID-19 by clicking HERE


Please find below several bullet points of importance in aiding our safe return to dance:


  • In-person instruction will be provided for all students.  There will be NO zoom option this year.

  • Isolation after testing positive for Covid-19 is still in place.

  • Isolation is for 5 full days from the date of test or symptoms, whichever came first.  You may return to dance on day 6 if symptoms have subsided and fever free for 24 hours.  Isolation times can vary based on symptoms.

  • The NYS Department of Health recommends that individuals should wear a mask during days 6-10 after testing positive for Covid-19.

  • Quarantines are no longer required for close contacts.  Please continue to monitor your child for Covid-19 symptoms, if they come in contact with a positive individual and become sick please keep them home.  If they have no symptoms they may come to dance with a recommended masks as per the CDC.

  • Please continue to report any positive Covid-19 cases to your local health department.

  • Masks and face coverings are optional, and we continue to respect the decisions by students and staff on whether they choose to wear masks or not. 


We appreciate your cooperation in these health matters. Please understand the protocols and guidance can change based on requirements by our local, state and federal health departments.  Thank you!

UPDATED ON Wednesday, March 2, 2022

As I announced in an email on Monday (2/28/22).  Effective today (Wednesday, March 2, 2022) masks will no longer be required at the studio.  This is very exciting news!!  However with that being said, it doesn't mean COVID has magically disappeared.  So below I have outlined some important measures that will remain in place at the studio.


Important Measures that all must follow until April 1, 2022:

- Masks are optional (if you or your dancer is unvaccinated I strongly encourage you to continue wearing a mask to protect yourself and others).


- At this time I request that dancers continue to be dropped off for dance and parents wait in their car/parking lot. (Except preschoolers and children ages 5-7 years old)


- If your child is sick with COVID symptoms please do not come to dance.


- If anyone in your household tests positive for COVID and your dancer is unvaccinated please DO NOT send your child to dance.  Please evaluate them for 5 days to be sure they don't become symptomatic.  If after 5 days they are not symptomatic and tests negative, they may return to dance. (PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT NEED PROOF OF TESTING).


- If anyone in your household tests positive for COVID and your dancer is Vaccinated and tests negative with no symptoms they may come to dance but MUST wear a mask for 5 days. (Again, this is on the honor policy I do not need proof of testing).


- Lastly, for any dancer testing positive for COVID, they can not come to dance for 5 days and when they return, they must wear a mask for an additional 5 days.


- If any of these situations occur in your household please be sure to email me at to keep me and the teachers in the loop.  Thank you :)


I know these past 2 years have been challenging.  But for me, owning this business, I have also seen the best in humanity.  The support and unwavering commitment that all of our dance families have made to keep our studio open has been nothing short of AMAZING!!!!  The measures I have listed above will allow us to continue keeping our dancers, staff and dance families safe and healthy.  From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the JDC staff I would like to thank each and every one of you!


All my best,



UPDATED ON Friday, September 10, 2021

I realize the challenges everyone is facing trying to plan for a new school year and dance season under such uncertain times.  As we move forward and plan for our reopening, I can assure you that our first priority is safety.  With that in mind, we have been following the CDC and New York State Department of Health recommendations and guidelines.  In addition, we have been following the Governor’s recommendations and guidance as permitted.  With all the guidance and health recommendations we have developed a reopening policy and procedure manual.  With this manual, all registered families will know our plans here at JDC as we reopen our doors for a new and exciting year of dance.  As we move closer to our first night of classes on Monday September 13th, we will be updating this page with any changes or updates from New York State.  We ask that everyone please read the information in the below policy and procedure manual to ensure the health and well-being of our staff, students and guests.

Thank you everyone for your continued support and patience as we work through this evolving situation.

All my best,

Christina Pastore

JDC Director


Please click the button below for

JDC Dance Center's Reopening Guide and Operating Manual

Please note this policy and procedure manual applies during the COVID-19 crisis and will stay enforced as long as needed.  Some measures such as classes ending 5 minutes early are in an effort to combat COVID-19 and minimize risks to all staff, students and families.  Thank you for your understanding and patience during these difficult times

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